继承是创建复杂类的另一种方式,它展现出来俩个obj 的is-a的概念(前一种方式是加入复杂的函数和成员等has-a 概念) 继承体现的是两个对象(类)之间的联系,子类继承父类的成员和方法,然后特殊化于扩展自己的成员和方法,正如苹果和梨都是水果,它们拥有水果的一般特性,等边三角形是特殊的等腰三角形 几个概念引英文词: the class being inherited from is called the parent class, base class, or superclass, and the class doing the inheriting is called the child class, derived class, or subclass.
classPerson { public: std::string m_name; int m_age; Person(std::string name = "", int age = 0) : m_name(name), m_age(age) { } std::string getName()const{ return m_name; } intgetAge()const{ return m_age; } }; // BaseballPlayer publicly inheriting Person classBaseballPlayer : public Person { public: double m_battingAverage; int m_homeRuns; BaseballPlayer(double battingAverage = 0.0, int homeRuns = 0) : m_battingAverage(battingAverage), m_homeRuns(homeRuns) { } }; intmain() { // Create a new BaseballPlayer object BaseballPlayer joe; // Assign it a name (we can do this directly because m_name is public) joe.m_name = "Joe"; // Print out the name std::cout << joe.getName() << '\n'; // use the getName() function we've acquired from the Person base class return0; }``` #### 继承的方式,访问控制 A child class inherits both behaviors(member functions)andproperties(member variables) from the parent 但是受继承方式的限制 继承的方式有public等,受限制,这种可以通俗的理解为,你和你妈,你姨妈,你表舅等的亲密度和能访问的内容是有等级差别的 |Access specifier in base class|when inherited publicly|when inherited privately|when inherited protectedly| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Public|Public|Private|Protected| |Private|Inaccessible|Inaccessible|Inaccessible| |Protected|Protected|Private|Protected| #### 继承的内存 + 对单纯的类对象来说,没有继承时,其对象内存是成员变量,存储在栈中 ,当继承了基类后,基类的成员变量(即使是private不能访问的)会添加到子类的对象内存中,而且一般是放在低地址(前面) 对访问控制是在编译期间去做限制的 #### 编译器对继承做了什么? + 构造函数 + 首先,构造函数顺序:Because Derived inherits functions and variables from Base, you may assume that the members of Base are copied into Derived. However, this is not true. Instead, we can consider Derived as a two part class: one part Derived, and one part Base. ,从构造函数可以看出,继承的类,对象先调用继承连最上层的类构造函数,最后调用它自己的构造函数 + 其次,基类构造函数被子类调用://弥补了子类不能 初始化父类成员的缺陷---为什么子类不能在初始化队列中初始化父类成员?若为const就出错了,初始化两次 ```cpp class Derived: public Base { private: // our member is now private double m_cost; public: Derived(double cost=0.0, int id=0) : Base(id), // Call Base(int) constructor with value id! m_cost(cost) { }
策略: When a member function is called with a derived class object, the compiler first looks to see if that member exists in the derived class. If not, it begins walking up the inheritance chain and checking whether the member has been defined in any of the parent classes. It uses the first one it finds.
classBase { protected: int m_value; public: Base(int value) : m_value(value) { } voididentify(){ std::cout << "I am a Base\n"; } };
classDerived: public Base { public: Derived(int value) : Base(value) { } intGetValue(){ return m_value; } voididentify() { Base::identify(); // call Base::identify() first std::cout << "I am a Derived\n"; // then identify ourselves } };
classBase { private: int m_value; public: Base(int value) : m_value(value) { } protected: voidprintValue(){ std::cout << m_value; } }; classDerived: public Base { public: Derived(int value) : Base(value) { } // Base::printValue was inherited as protected, so the public has no access // But we're changing it to public via a using declaration using Base::printValue; // note: no parenthesis here //c++11 };
intmain() { Derived derived(7); // printValue is public in Derived, so this is okay derived.printValue(); // prints 7 return0; }
classBase { private: int m_value; public: Base(int value) : m_value(value) { } intgetValue(){ return m_value; } }; classDerived : public Base { public: Derived(int value) : Base(value) { } intgetValue()= delete; // mark this function as inaccessible }; intmain() { Derived derived(7); // The following won't work because getValue() has been deleted! std::cout << derived.getValue(); return0; }